Thursday 28 June 2012

Gay Oreos

Okay, I want to start off by posting a comment I found on a forum while browsing the internet earlier:

"People... hate a cookie.
People are hating a cookie.
They are showing their hate... of a cookie.
Yeah, I'm trying to get my head around this hate of cookies and their manufacturer, but...
People are boycotting... a cookie."

Yeah, that was too much mention of the word cookie. Good thing I picked up some Oreos earlier or I'd be craving them right about now.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic again.

I'm sure a lot of you will have already heard about this but on Monday, Oreo put a supporting image for Gay Pride on their Facebook page, featuring a six-layer, rainbow-coloured oreo. It attracted a decent amount of publicity but unfortunately, not much of it was good. While some were against the politicization of the gesture, a significant amount of haters were just being straight up homophobic.

A whole lot of people posted on Facebook that they were going to stop eating Oreo's because of this advert and implying that there was apparently something wrong with the people who work for the company, calling them sick.

Now, let me get this straight, just like the comment I posted earlier, the source of these people's hate is essentially a freakin' cookie?!

I'm sorry, I'm all for right to free speech but, in my opinion, there's something wrong with these people. I'm just going to be blunt: There Is Nothing Wrong With Being Gay! Just imagine something for me. Imagine we lived in a parallel reality where straight people were discriminated against. How do you think those obviously straight haters would react then? They'd think it was ridiculous, am I right?

Well haters, now you know what I think about what you're doing.

Seriously, it's like the haters think that homosexual people are somehow different from heterosexual people.  They're not. Newsflash: humans are born equal.

Are politicians born politicians? No.
Are gay people born gay? No.
Are straight people born straight? No.
Are dark-skinned people born that way? Well yes, but the point I'm trying to make is that every human on this planet is made up of the same basic elements.
Even though members of the royal family are born into aristocracy, their genetic makeup is no different from anyone elses.

It's discrimination that makes things these people the minorities in society.

Plus the way that the haters chose to go about declaring their opposition is just nuts. By not eating Oreos? That's not going to make people think you're boycotting against gay rights, it'll just make them think you don't like cookies! I'm genuinely not exaggerating here. Let me give you just a taster of what was said in reaction the the advert:

"I no longer like Oreos"
"I hate Oreos now"
"Yeaa... no more oreos"
"Will never eat another oreo"
"Hmm & they WERE one of my favourite cookies"
"Well, I just lost all respect for oreos now"

I think you get the point.

And oreos are so dang popular with people who don't have a problem that the company is barely gonna notice the drop in sales figures (although their resolve might crumble, no pun intended, next time Oreos are on sale at Morrison's).

Like I said, I'm one of the first advocates of right to freedom of speech, but I'm also in favour of a little tact people. I mean come on guys, the fact of the matter is, I don't think it's gay people you're hating against here, I think it's a company that makes cookies

I just don't see what the problem is. Some of my best and oldest friends are gay, that doesn't make them any different from the rest of us.

But that ... is about all I have to say.

P.S. Seeing the forum thread about this issue and how many people were talking about their sudden craving for oreos or how much they wanted to eat a six-layered rainbow Oreo was quite possibly the highlight of my day (it's been slow in the office).

Friday 1 June 2012

Third Time Is Most Definitely Not The Charm

Okay, I'm not trying to turn this blog into lifecasting but, you know that old saying; "everything comes in threes"?

Well this past week, the bad stuff in my day-to-day routine has most certainly followed that rule. 

Let's start from the beginning shall we?

Well, last weekend I was back home for a few days to celebrate my friends hen party (for those who don't use that term, it's the womens pre-wedding night out). Don't get me wrong, the night out itself was great but the next day, I was in the car on the way back from picking up some food for a house party from a couple of towns over. Well, as we drove home (I was with my mum and godmother) along the motorway, the car broke down. Now for a good part of both last week and this week, the weather has been amazing and this particular day was no exception. But when your car door is locked and the electrics aren't working meaning you can't lower the window, trust me, you don't want the good weather to be there. 

Long story short, we were stuck at the side of the road for around about an hour before a recovery vehicle turned up, most of which I spent in the car listening to music with my trouser legs rolled up. 

But that's not so bad right?

Well, the very next day, after I came back to my student home, I was back at the doctors for a second consultation about my breathing problem. And not only was the news I received bad, but the experience itself wasn't fantastic either. The week before, when I had gone for my first appointment, the nurse practitioner had needed to look under my t-shirt. Embarrassing enough, especially if you're me (and quite by chance, I happen to be me). But at this second one, I had to remove both my shirt and the stuff underneath. You know, with it being a chest-related problem and all? 

Hoo boy, it's going to take me a while to live that down. 

But then, by the time the appointment was finished, I had been diagnosed with a pretty high probability of a displaced sternum, which is throwing my breathing out of whack. I'll have to get my x-rays next month to know for sure but considering I've suspected that's what's wrong for quite a while now, I don't expect the verdict to change.

And I'll admit it, this last one isn't really all that bad, but after all that other stuff, it was pretty much the poisoned cherry on the stale cake if you catch my drift. See, a few weeks ago I finished up my assessments for the summer, the last of which was a media law exam. Getting the result back, I got a ... 37. And the pass mark is 40.

... Yeah. 

I would go more into that but I think I've ranted enough for one day. So, thanks for reading and that... is all I have to say.